Devo: "Sickness, Weakness, and Disease"

May 28, 2024

Sickness, Weakness and Disease

“Erastus remained at Corinth, but Trophimus I left sick at Miletus.” (2 Timothy 4:20)

      Some of the most significant adversities we face in this fallen world, is weakness, sickness, disease and death. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, it opened the door for weakness, sickness, disease, and death to have an effect in all our lives. In this section we will talk about weakness, sickness and disease. There are three Greek words that communicate these adversities.

Sickness, weakness and disease defined:

*The Greek word asthenia, (used 24x): Translated sickness and weakness. The result of a disease or a weakness.

*The Greek word arrostos, (used 5x): Literally means without strength: Matthew 14:14

*The Greek word nosos, (used 11x): Translated disease or sickness: Matthew 4:23

Note: There are other words that describe specific sicknesses, diseases and conditions.

Causes of Sickness, weakness and diseases

*Result of living in a world filled with sin and death: Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:25,26

*Demonic can cause sickness: Luke 13:11

*Sinful judgment against the Body of Christ can open a doorway: 1 Corinthians 11:29-30

*Entertaining sinful lifestyles can open the door for sickness: James 5:15-16

Note: God is not the initiator of sickness, weakness, disease, and death. James 1:16-17

When sickness, weakness and disease strikes

*Know the Truth: God is our healer, not the giver of sickness:

   *One of God’s Old Testament names was Jehovah Rapha, The Lord our Healer: Exodus 15:26

   *Jesus always did the will of the Father and He never made anyone sick when He was in this world.

   *Jesus took our sicknesses, weaknesses and diseases on the Cross: Matthew 8:17; Isaiah 53:4-6

   *Jesus was crucified because of weaknesses (asthenia): 2 Corinthians 13:4

*God heals supernaturally: Lay hands (Mark 16:18); Gifts of Healing (1 Cor. 12:7-11); Elders anoint with oil and pray for the sick (James 5:16); Prayer in faith (James 5:15-16).

*God uses medicine to heal and prevent sickness: 1 Timothy 5:23; Proverbs 31:6

*God is Our Comforter: He is our healer, and He is the one who is with us during the pain and suffering of sickness, weakness and disease: Hebrews 13:5-6

*When we are sick it is not the time to pick apart looking for sin (there will be no doubt for the person who is sick, if sin is an issue). When sick or weak it is a time to focus on the loving and comforting nature and heart of God (Isaiah 41:10). It is time to be comforted by God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) and to comfort those who are sick (Matthew 25:35-36).