
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The call of God to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ beyond the boundaries of Our Refuge is a foundational part of our vision. We are directly involved in the equipping and sending out of people who are called to the other cities and nations. We see ourselves a part of the worldwide family of God. We believe we need the people from other nations just as much as they need us coming to their city or nation. In an effort to deepen those relationships, we are regularly going out to other ministries, churches, towns, cities and countries in order to participate with those who are called into those ministries, churches, places and people groups. We also regularly have leaders from those other nations come into our body and equip and empower us. There are many opportunities for the people of Our Refuge to help fulfill the call to make disciples of all nations.

Active Missionaries

Lloyd and Haley Windon

Lloyd and Haley are called to minister to the region of south Eastern Africa, mainly the nation of Mozambique. 

Damir and Maria Scko

Damir and Maria serve as apostolic leaders to the nations of Croatia and Bosnia. They have planted and oversee numerous churches in those countries.

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission to Virginia Tech

We believe we have a call of God to influence the students, faculty and staff of Virginia Tech. The VT community needs the people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. Come and be a part of this exciting opportunity to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.