Devo: "The X-Ray Machine of God’s Word, Part 1"

Jul 16, 2024

The X-Ray Machine of God’s Word, Part 1

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

     Most of the time medical doctors do not fully know about the status of an injured arm or leg without an x-ray. The x-ray give doctors a picture of the bones that are hidden underneath the skin and muscles. When a doctor can see the bones clearly, the doctor can recommend an appropriate treatment.

     The same is true for us in our journey of growing into the likeness of Jesus. Before we come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, each of us have some type of spiritual brokenness that cause our words and actions to be sinfully distorted (Romans 3:23). When our words or actions are not line with the nature and character of Jesus, we need a spiritual x-ray of the programing of our hearts. We know the words of our mouth and our actions come out of the programing of our hearts (Matthew 15:18; 23:25-26). The Word of God serves as a spiritual x-ray machine to judge the programming of our hearts.

    There are at least two ways the Word of God enables us to x-ray or judge the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. The first way we can use the Word of God to x-ray the content of our spiritual hearts is to confess a particular scriptural truth. As we confess the truth of God’s Word with a genuine and open heart, we must pay attention to the first thoughts that come into our conscious minds. If the first thoughts coming into our mind joyfully receives by faith the truth you just confessed, you are good. But if the first thoughts coming into your mind are in the form of a tentative doubt or unbelief, it is revealing there is some type of obstacle in your heart. Doubt and unbelief hinders our faith and will cause our words and actions to be contrary to the nature and character of Jesus.

     I invite you to practice this truth by asking the Lord to show you a passage of scripture to confess. When a passage is highlighted in your mind, follow the steps we took in the previous paragraph. Let the Word of God judge the thoughts and intentions of your heart.

Note: The second way to use the Word of God as the judge of the thoughts and intentions of our hearts will be discussed tomorrow.