Devo: "Activation of the Seed of God's Word"

Jul 20, 2024

Activation of the Seed of God’s Word

“For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.” (Hebrews 4:2)

     Seeds are an amazing part of creation. A seed has all the DNA of a plant or tree. A seed can lay dormant for many years before being germinated. But when a seed is watered and placed in the proper temperature, it will germinate and begin to grow the plant it was created to grow.

     The Word of God is the seed of God (1 Peter 1:23). The seed of God or Word of God contains the DNA of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our heart is the soil that is purposed to provide a place for the Seed of God to be germinated and to grow the realities of Jesus Christ (Matthew 13:18-23).

     The Word of God is like every seed, it must to be germinated in order to fulfill its purpose. Our God-given faith germinates the Word of God. When we hear a Word from God and we choose to exercise our faith in that Word, that Word or seed will produce the life of God in our hearts. We can hear a Word from God, but it will not produce life in the soil of our hearts, unless our faith germinates the seed of God. 

     We must realize, every seed does not germinate at the same rate. Most seeds, when they are watered and placed in the right temperature, will germinate in a few days. But there are a few types of plants that germination process is months, and some even years. That is also true for the Word of God. There are different facets of the Word of God that takes more germination than other facets. For example, the simple Word of the Gospel to receive Jesus as Lord is fully and instantly germinated into our being Children of God. But the Word of our growing into being an overcomer may take more germination. I speak that truth so we may understand and not lose hope. The Word of God will fully bear fruit in its proper time.

     We have received everything we need from God to grow the likeness and realities of Jesus in our lives. We have been given the eternal and powerful Word of God. We have been given the faith to germinate the Word of God. All of we to do is listen to the Word of God with an attitude of faith, and great things can occur. Let’s not allow the seed of God to lie dormant in and around lives.