Our Mission 


FOLLOW Jesus, GROW into His likeness, REFLECT Him to others.

Our Vision

Our Refuge was birthed with the belief the destiny of every person is to be conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus (Romans 8:29) The Lord also emphasized to us that we are to intentionally be discipled and make disciples (Matthew 28:18). In response to these revelations, we are seeking to be relationally discipleship focused and not “corporate service” focused. Down through the years, we have been frustrated that our structure of ministry hindered our ability to walk with each person in their journey of being conformed into the likeness of Jesus.

In order to intentionally help every person grow into the likeness of Jesus, the Lord has given us a structure that has four levels of involvement.
1. Corporate services
2. Corresponding devotional materials
3. Net group interactions (groups of 2-4)
4. House churches across the New River Valley

We meet corporately on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday mornings at 10 am. After each corporate meeting we seek to have personal devotions to help process the revelation that was discussed in the corporate meeting.

We are inviting everyone to be involved in a Discipleship Group "D-Group" (2-4 people of like age and gender) to meet at least two times a month. The purpose of these groups is to process the revelation God has given in an intimate and powerful setting.

On the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings we meet in house churches around the New River Valley. The purpose of the house churches is family. We seek to worship the Lord and further discuss the revelations that God have been giving in a family setting.

The foundation of Our Refuge is growing into the likeness of Jesus in a personal and intimate manner.

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