Devo: "Power-Up, Kairos Moments, Part 2"

Jul 24, 2024

Power-Up, Kairos Moments, Part 2

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time (kairos)…” (1 Peter 5:6)

    In yesterday’s devotion I talked about how living in this world can be compared to my grandson, Maks playing a Mario Brothers video game. As Maks plays the game looking for the “power-up icons, God has called us to look for the “power up” kairos moments, so we may be empowered by His presence in order to overcome the adversities and obstacles of this world. God’s kairos moments not only empower us to over adversities and obstacles, but God’s kairos moments also empower us to be exalted into the destinies God has created for us.

    It is important for us to understand how power-up kairos moments exalt us. Like any loving dad, our Heavenly loves and longs to see us exalted. But He does not want us to be exalted before the right time. The right time is not associated with the right chronos time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc…), but the right kairos time. The right kairos moment has to with our hearts humbly embracing and walking in the nature and character of Jesus.

    I believe one of the greatest temptations we can ever face is, success. If we are exalted into the Promised Land of our lives before the right time, we could destroy our Promised Land, or our Promised Land could destroy us. For example, it is interesting to me, God took me to a place 12 hours from where I was physically raised up, so He could do a work in me in order to exalt me into the life and ministry He created me to walk in. If God would have begun exalting me before Jesus did a work in me, I could have easily led astray and spiritually destroyed the people Jesus gave me to bring to Him. I am embarrassed to think about how I lived and treated people before I began to allow Jesus to do His work in my life.

     The power-up button that allows God to exalt us, is in us. The power-up button that is in us, is our willingness to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, so that Jesus Christ can be formed in us.