Taking Our Place

"...the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."

Ephesians 4:16

We joyfully believe and seek to see that every person that God brings into Our Refuge will have a place in order to fulfill their place in the Body of Christ. God tells us that as every person is effectively functioning in their place, the family of Our Refuge will build itself up in love. Because of this truth, we desire to see every person equipped and given an opportunity to experience the working of God in and alongside of them. As you become a part of the family of Our Refuge, we sincerely ask you to let us know what the Holy Spirit is doing to inspire, equip and empower you to take your place in this family.

Volunteer Leaders

  Mike and Allison laster

Mike grew up in Big Stone Gap, VA. He moved to the New River Valley in 1992 to attend Life Bible College and help Rick and Paula minister to the campuses of VT and Radford University. It was during that season He met his wife, Allison. Mike and Allison served as a pastors of vibrant youth ministry at Radford Christian Fellowship for over twenty-two years. Mike loves training next generation leaders to minister the Gospel. Mike also has a heart to love on people and see the power of God be released in their lives. Mike assist in overseeing the ministries of Our Refuge.
Allison is from Roanoke, VA. Allison became a part of Rick and Paula’s lives when she was attending Radford University. It was at that time that she met her husband, Mike. She did the ministry internship program under Rick and Paula. Afterwards, Allison served with Mike in Radford Worship Center for over 22 years. Allison is gifted at caring for people. She is phenomenal at administration and seeing that the needs of the church are cared for.

Ted and JennIE Farmer

Ted has been married for 25 years to an awesome woman of God, Jennie Farmer. They have three wonderful teenage girls Rachael 16, Hannah 14, Rebekah 12. With many years of ministry experience working in the local church and as a chaplain in correctional settings. He loves being outdoors hunting, fishing, hiking; anything by the water with his family. It's his hope; that he can help to provide a net at our Refuge where people will feel loved and cared for; to assist in helping every man, woman and child grow up into the likeness of Jesus

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good bstewards of the manifold .grace of God.  1 Peter 4:10

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

We believe that the leadership of Our Refuge has responsibility from God to equip, resource, and release the vision and giftings of each person in our body. There are many expressions in the Body of Christ. If there is an expression of ministry that is on your heart, please contact either Rick Sizemore, Mike Laster, Allison Laster or Ted Farmer and we will do our best to see you empowered and released.

How do I volunteer with kids?

We strongly believe there is no junior Holy Spirit. As a result, God has given Our Refuge Pam and Nell to empower our children. Pam McDonald and Nell Taylor tremendously gifted to empower children to reach their destiny in Christ Jesus. If you have children or believe God is calling you to help with ministry opportunity, please communicate with Pam or Nell.

How do I volunteer with music?

The vision of Our Refuge is to see the Lord ministered to through the praise, thanksgiving, and worship. God has given Our Refuge Mason Taylor to fulfill that vision. Mason has a heart to see others trained and released in the expressions of praise, thanksgiving, and worship. We also believe sound engineering and visual arts are important for the fulfillment of the ministry of music in Our Refuge. If you have a passion to serve the Body of Christ with music or sound, please contact Mason Taylor.

How do I volunteer with students?

If you have a heart to see the next generation Junior High School and High School students walk in the greatness of Jesus please Machen Myer.
Our Refuge also believes God is calling us to minister to the students of Virginia Tech. If you would like to help minister to the students of VT in any manner please contact Rick Sizemore.  

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.