Devo: "Power-Up, Kairos Moments, Part 1"

Jul 23, 2024

Power-Up, Kairos Moments, Part 1


“Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times (kairos) of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…” 

(Acts 3:19) 


           My grandson Maks, loves playing the Mario brothers video games. In the Mario brothers video games, the main characters Mario and Luigi go on many different adventures, while having to overcome numerous adversaries and obstacles. In order for Mario and Luigi to be able overcome their adversaries and obstacles, the creators of the games have placed numerous power-up icons throughout the games. The power-up icons impart to Mario and Luigi extra strength and endurance, so they can overcome their adversaries and obstacles. 

           The sovereign, Almighty God has done the same thing for us. Our God knows we cannot overcome our adversary, the devil on our own strength. So, our Almighty God has planned for us to have kairos “power-up”, moments with and by Him. Acts 3:19 describes those kairos power-up moments as places where “times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” God has made appointments with us, to meet with us to impart supernatural grace in our lives, so we may miraculously overcome the adversities and obstacles of the devil and his forces of darkness. 

           When Jesus became flesh and walked in and through the obstacles of this world, he was tempted by the same types of adversities and obstacles as us. In order to overcome the adversities and obstacles of the devil, Jesus would regularly find the moments where He would be strengthened by His power-up moments with His Heavenly Father (Luke 5:16; 6:12). 

When Maks is playing his video game and he gets in a hurry and does not pay attention to find the power-up icons, Mario and Luigi remain in their weakened conditions. In their weakened conditions they can easily be defeated by game’s adversaries and obstacles. 

If we get in a hurry and run through life and do not pay attention as to find God’s kairos power-up moments, we remain in our normal, natural selves. In our normal and natural selves we can easily be overcome by the adversities and obstacles of this world. But God has not purposed for us to face life in our own strength. He has planned to meet with us and empower us. Let’s look for the kairos moments where we may be empowered by the grace of God.