Sunday service

Jul 7, 2024

Two categories of the Word of God: 2 Peter 1:16-19

* God speaking to us directly:

* Scripture (Word of God or Bible): “more sure”

Question: What Does the Scriptures say about Itself? 

The Characteristics of the Word of God is...

1. Inspired: 2 Timothy 3:16: Word of God is God breathed/spoken.

*“holy men spoke from God”: 2 Peter 1:21 cf. Exodus 34:27-28

2. Living: Hebrews 4:12: The Word of God is living, not a static book.

*Eternally living & fulfilling: Isaiah 55:10-11


3. Spiritual: Jn. 6:63: God’s Word is in the frequency of the Spirit. 

*The planted spiritual words of God’s Word, enable us to hear the 

      spiritual declarations and thoughts of God. 1 Cor. 2:12-14

4. Truth: John 17:17: The Word of God is a revelation of truth.

            *The truth of God’s Word that sets us free: John 8:32

The Word of God is...

      1. An X-Ray Machine of God: Hebrews 4:12: God’s Word reveals the 

            depths of our heart.

2. A Seed to be Planted: Word of God is the seed of God: 1 Peter 1:23

            *It is the seed of God that saves us, empowers us to be born again & 

                  Transforms us: 1 Peter 1:23; 1 Thessalonians 2:13

      3. Activated by Faith: Hebrews 4:2: Faith activates the Word of God.

4. A Doorway to Know God: John 5:39: God’s Word empowers us to 

      discover and know God. 

*God’s Word points us to Jesus: John 5:39

            *God’s Word is not an end, but the end result of God’s Word is 

                  relationally knowing God: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3