Devo: "Test?"

Jun 5, 2024



“You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.” (Deuteronomy 8:2) 


      Recently I was curious about how many years I have spent in go to school. So I started putting the schools and the years together. I was amazed when I realized that I have spent around 22 years of my life in various types and stages of schooling. The further I went in schooling, the more I realized test were not a necessary evil of school, but each test was a good opportunity for me to know how much I really knew and/or did not know about a particular subject. I needed to let each test to be an opportunity of discovery of what is in me or what is needed to be in me.  

      Adversities like temptations/trials, tribulations, wildernesses and sufferings/persecutions provide test that we can use to discover what is in our hearts. In those difficult moments we can discover if we have the heart of a victim or the heart of victor? Do we have the heart of a slave or the heart of a son/daughter of God? Do we the heart of an overcomer or do we have the heart of one who is overcome? Do we have the heart of one looking to work with God to generate wealth or do we have a poverty mind set looking for someone to give us what we need? Whatever kind of adversity we are facing it gives us an opportunity to work with God to know what is in our heart. When we recognize any programming in our hearts that is not in the likeness of Jesus, we can allow the Lord to renew our hearts and minds to God’s glory and truth.