Service: "Receiving God's Fullness in the Midst of the Adversities of Life"

Jun 16, 2024    Rick Sizemore

"Receiving God's Fullness in the Midst of the Adversities of Life"

Our God is working and is inviting us to participate with Him.. confirm us into the likeness of Jesus: Phil. 2:12-13 direct the steps and course of our lives: Prov. 20:24 our gifts/ministries & is inviting us to work with Him: 1 Ptr. 4:10 cause all things to work out for our good: Rom. 8:28

How God is working in us to birth the Likeness of Jesus in Us

1. God imparts a Word and it Works in us: 1 Thes. 2:13

2. The adversities of this world reveal unfulfilled soulish needs in us

- Love, ID, acceptance, worth, intimacy, security, purpose, forgiveness, needed:

- Security: Col. 1:19 & Ex. 15:22-24

- Purpose: Ex. 16:2-3

- ID: Numbers 13:32-14:6

* Needs manifesting, lack results in lust: James 1:13 ; Gal. 5:19-21

Working with God to Discover His Fullness in an Adversity of Lack?

1. Rejoice/Joy (Phil. 4:4)

- Joy of the Lord is our strength! (Neh. 8:10)

* Seeds of faith; Rejoicing looking ahead: (Matt. 5:11-12; Heb. 12:2; Jms. 1:2-24; Rom. 5:3-5; 1 Ptr. 1:6-7)

2. Give thanks for what God has done, is doing, will do! (1 Thess. 5:18)

- Jehoshaphat giving thanks in trib./persecution: (2 Chron. 20:20-21)

3. Seek God's widsom/counsel: what is happening/what to do: (James 1:5_

- David seeking God's wisdom/counsel in tribulation: (2 Sam. 30:6-7)

4. Setting our hope and faith on the real "Need Filler": (1 Timothy 6:17)

- Jesus and the culmination of all adversities: (Mark 14:34-36)

5. Fullness in the midst of an adversity: (Phil. 4:11-13)

- Paul filled with fullness of purpose and security: (Acts 27:21-25)

6. Hope established, and faith grows: (Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4)

- Disciples discover Who Jesus really is: (Luke 8:25)