Devo: "The Word of His Power"

Jul 9, 2024

The Word of His Power

“And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power…”

(Hebrews 1:3)

     I love the study of astronomy. Our universe is so vast and powerful. Just about every time I look at the stars in the sky or hear facts about our universe, I think about the power and the greatness of our God. One of the most amazing forces in the universe is gravity. Scientist cannot completely explain gravity, yet it is such a powerful force in our lives and the universe. If it was not for the force of gravity, our universe would be a chaotic mess. The force of gravity holds all the suns, planets, asteroids, and everything else in perfect placement.

     Science may not be able to totally understand the force of gravity, but theology can tell us where it comes from. The Holy Bible tells us it is “word of His (God’s) power”. Everything is held together by the Word of God. When God speaks a Word, it is powerful and eternal. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My (God’s) Word will never pass away (Matthew 24:35). God spoke and the universe was brought into existence. All the universe’s suns, planets and miscellaneous bodies were put in their perfect placement. That is how powerful the Word of God is. For us, the spiritual Words of the Holy Bible are the Word of His power.

     Many years ago, my precious sister-in-law, Charlda was having a bad day. Everything seemed to be going wrong for her and her family. As she was driving down the road in her van, she was having her own personal pity party. She began crying and fussing with the Lord about her problems. As she was driving and crying, suddenly, she saw Jesus standing out in front her. She said He was massive. He reached down and picked up some dirt and flung up in the sky. She said, as the dirt went up into the sky, it became stars and planets. He then looked at her and boldly declared, “Charlda, just like that I can create the heavens. If I can create the heavens, I can take care of your problems!” She said, immediately the peace of God filled her soul. As Charlda told me her testimony, I was encouraged to remember the power of God’s Word.

    The Word of God is powerful. The power of God’s Word is released in us, when we unite it with faith (Hebrews 4:2). If the Word of God’s power can physically create and hold our universe together, it can empower us to live in victory in this world.