Devo: "God's Amazing Book!"

Jul 10, 2024

God’s Amazing Book!

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16–17)

     The Holy Bible is truly amazing. It is nothing like any other book ever written. It is a compilation of 66 books, penned by at least 36 people, over at least 1500 years. The people who penned the books, came from multiple backgrounds. The books contained in the Holy Bible are diverse; there are historical narratives, prophetic narratives, books of poetry, books on law, books of proverbs, books of doctrine and personal testimonies.

    The Holy Bible even contains scientific information in it. When the world was thinking the earth was flat, the Bible was declaring it was round (Isaiah 40:22). When the world was clueless about physical laws like gravity, the Bible was talking about how the Law of Gravity coming from the sun and moon had an effect on the tides of the oceans (Jeremiah 31:35). The Bible gives important insight into the origins of the earth and universe. The Bible also gives us important insights on the effects geological catastrophic events like the Flood.

    Even though there are many different writers, penned over numerous centuries, using different types of literary styles, there is absolutely no contradictions in the compilation of the books. The information in the 66 books perfectly blends together. I have learned that whenever there is a seemingly contradiction in the Bible, it always turns out to be a beautiful and powerful revelation. I have absolute confidence in the Holy Bible’s ability to interpret itself. The Holy Bible is even inerrant in its original form. The Holy Bible is a miraculous book.

    The only way such an amazing book could have come into existence is through the handiwork of God. God spoke and it moved holy men to write down what the Holy Spirit was giving them (2 Peter 1:20-21). I could go on and on about the greatness of the Holy Bible, but in summary the Bible is God inspired or God breathed. It has been my experience, when I read the Bible with a heart of faith, and the Holy Spirit illuminates a passage to me, it breathes into me the life of God. As a result, my life has been miraculously changed for the better.