Devo: "It is about Living, Not Dying!"

Jul 3, 2024

It is About Living, Not Dying!

“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

      Down through the years I have heard a lot of people talking about their need to die to themselves. But Word of God tells us, for the born-again believer in Jesus Christ, it is not about dying, it is about living. The big question is, “How are we going to live?” Or another way to think about it is, “To whom are we going live for?” Are we going to live to and for ourselves, or are we going to live to and for Jesus Christ, who gave Himself up for us?

     When we confess and accept Jesus Christ Lordship over our lives and identify with His death and burial through water baptism; we have been crucified with Christ. We have spiritually died. The verse above declares, “I have been crucified with Christ…” The need for me to die has been settled, now the big demand is living to and for my Lord Jesus Christ.

     Our God is working in us, to empower us to exercise our will, to live by faith by allowing Jesus to be the One who is expressing Himself in and through us. How we allow Jesus to live in us, is by intentionally, choosing to live by faith, by trusting in His nature and character and believing in His Word. As we choose to attach our hearts to His nature and character and hold His Word firm in our hearts, we will find ourselves moving along on the wind of His Spirit. We will discover, Jesus is living in us.

    The minute we allow our hearts to be distracted from trusting in who Jesus is and/or to be distracted from His Word, we will catch ourselves living out of our resources and guidance. When we live out of our resources and guidance will begin to sink into the sea of this world problems, just like Apostle Peter sank into the sea when He was trying to walk on water.

    Let’s choose to live to Jesus. Let’s intentionally choose to declare in our hearts facets of His nature and character. Or let’s intentionally choose to make firm in our hearts the truth of His rhema revealed Word of God.